The Institute of Research and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Sumatra Utara conducted a workshop on Monitoring and Final Evaluation of Research, Publication and Community Service on 23 October 2021. The workshop was attended by researchers and lecturers of UIN Sumatra Utara.
The program was started with a recitation of the Qur’an read by H. Ali Ikhwan, M.Kom. Then, the Head of the committee of this workshop, M. Irwan Padli Nst, ST., MM., M.Kom, delivered a welcoming speech regarding the workshop. The welcoming speech was also given by the Secretary of LP2M UIN Sumatra Utara, Dr. Chuzaimah Batubara, M.A.
There are two speakers in this workshop:
- Dr, Surya Dharma, S.T., M.T (The Head of Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat/ P3M at the Politeknik Negeri Medan) accompanied by Abdul Gani, S.E., MM from Politeknik Unggul LP3M as the moderator.
- Barany Fachri, S.T., M.Kom (the vice head of Pusat Studi Rekayasa Teknologi dan Keamanan Informasi at the Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi) accompanied by Yustria Handika Siregar, ST., M.Kom from Ali Institute of Research and Publication.